7.5 MILLION REAL PHOTOGRAPHS Animated to Full Motion
"It’s not imaginary; this film is created entirely from real images transmitted to Earth from our spacecraft. We built these machines to extend our knowledge beyond our own world. It makes you part of our species’ extraordinary extraterrestrial journeys."
Bill Nye - The Science Guy
In Saturn's Rings is a large format movie about space exploration and our universe made exclusively from real photographs taken by spacecraft.
Director Stephen V. Stone used more than 7.5 million photographs and numerous film techniques to create the effect of flying through space, including an amazing visit to Saturn and its rings.
CGI, AI and 3-D modeling were NOT used in any capacity to create the realistic feel van Vuuren wanted for the viewer's experience. Most of the photos were taken by various major space missions.
A true labor of love, the film was made possible by the generous contributions of supportive people who share the filmmaker's passion for this project.
Take a 14 billion light-year journey of the mind, heart and spirit from the Big Bang to the conclusion of the Cassini-Huygens Mission at Saturn.
“...the upcoming IMAX movie 'In Saturn's Rings' brings depth to awe inspiring photos of planets and galaxies, allowing viewers to 'fly through' these cosmic wonders.”
- space.com